Brachioplasty cost in Turkey

Written by Maria Bianchi

All about brachioplasty in Turkey! What is the average cost in Istanbul? Our advice for a successful brachioplasty in Turkey. provides information on brachioplasty in Turkey and helps you book surgery with qualified surgeons. This content is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional.

How much does a brachioplasty cost in Turkey?

The average cost of brachioplasty in Turkey in Istanbul is £2,280. Depending on the needs, brachioplasty costs from £2,065 to £2,500 in Turkey.

ProcedureTurkey costUK cost

What is a brachioplasty?

Brachial lifting or brachioplasty in Turkey is a surgical technique aimed at improving the appearance of the upper limbs by resecting the excess fatty skin on the inside of both arms. The aim of this surgery is to achieve slender arms that are in harmony with the body.

Who is the ideal candidate for this brachioplasty or arm lift?

If you have suffered major weight loss as a result of dieting or after gastric bypass surgery and you are in good health, you should consider it.

The ideal candidate to undergo a “Brachioplasty” is a man or woman with excess skin on the inner side of the arms, preferably healthy and with a stable weight.

What will my surgeon evaluate?

During the initial consultation, your state of health, the quality and quantity of fat accumulated in the area, and the skin’s flaccidity will be evaluated. Don’t forget to mention if you are a smoker or if you are taking any medication. You should state your expectations honestly and frankly so that your surgeon can show you the alternatives available for your problem. We’ll also inform you about preparing for surgery; if you smoke, it’s important to quit before surgery at least two weeks beforehand because it hinders healing.

What anaesthesia is used?

It can almost always be performed under local anesthesia and sedation without hospitalization. The surgery must be performed in the operating theatre with or without hospitalization.

What does the surgery consist of?

There are two types of brachioplasty:

  1. Simple brachioplasty: Indicated for young patients whose skin laxity is limited only to the inner side of the arms.
  2. Brachioplasty with axillary and thoracic extension: For older patients who not only have a “pendulum arm” but also have excess skin extending to the submammary and thoracic area.

The scars will improve over time, however, in some cases, it is necessary to retouch the scar under local anesthesia. More than in any other cosmetic surgery procedure, the phrase “the surgeon does the suturing and the patient does the scarring” applies.

What are the risks?

Possible, although rare, complications include loss of skin vitality (necrosis), seromas, and/or hematomas that require evacuation.

When can I return to a normal life?

After a brachioplasty in Turkey it is important to wear a pressure garment over the operated area (elastic sleeves) for a period of 15-20 days

During the first few days, you may feel some discomfort or pain which can be controlled with medication.

It takes 7 days to return to work normally. However, strenuous exercise should be avoided until you feel comfortable. The scars during the first 3 to 6 months are noticeable, reddish-wine colored, so you will have to wait between 9 months and 1 year for the scar to flatten and lighten. However, the scars will never disappear.

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About the author

Maria Bianchi

My name is Maria Bianchi. I have more than 10 years of experience as a marketing manager in the medical industry. I have successfully launched several products on the market, including medical devices, and I have a great passion for sales and marketing.

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