Breast augmentation cost in Turkey

Written by Celestin

All about breast augmentation in Turkey! What is the average cost in Istanbul? Our tips for a successful breast augmentation in Turkey. provides information on breast augmentation in Turkey and helps you book surgery with qualified surgeons. This content is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional.

How much does breast augmentation cost in Turkey?

The average cost of breast augmentation in Turkey in Istanbul is £2,000. Depending on the needs, breast augmentation costs from £1,700 to £2,300 in Turkey.

ProcedureTurkey PriceUK Price
Breast augmentation£2,000£5,800

What is a breast augmentation?

The beauty of the breasts is a symbol of femininity and above all influences a woman’s self-esteem. Psychologically, having beautiful breasts makes you feel more confident and attractive. Getting the breasts you want is a wonderful challenge for me as a plastic surgeon. No two breasts are the same. Every woman has her own anatomy and her own aesthetic taste in size, shape and expectations.

The use of implants may give rise to fears or doubts. But the aesthetic result achieved with prostheses in terms of breast volume, projection and elevation of the breast, cleavage, firmness and feel is not achieved with other techniques at present. The prostheses are very safe and I always use brands that have passed the CE, FDA and have been on the market for more than 30 years.


I advise you to seek the advice of a plastic surgeon in Turkey in Istanbul, with a name and surname, not anonymous aesthetic companies. It is very important that it is a professional (and not a commercial!) who makes the first visit.

Nowadays there is a lot of information on the internet, in magazines, in informative programmes. It is likely that some of your friends have had surgery, but what you need is for someone to filter this information and tell you what is best for you.


Once you are at the plastic surgeon’s surgery and the anamnesis has been carried out, the breast is examined. An assessment must be made:

  • the size
  • the symmetry of both breasts
  • the height and size of the areolas
  • the quality of the skin, whether there are stretch marks or not
  • whether or not you are breastfeeding
  • whether the breast is pubertal but hypoplastic
  • whether the texture is fatty or glandular
  • whether there are asymmetries in the chest, because the breasts may be equal but look asymmetrical.

All this will give me information as a plastic surgeon about the type of prosthesis I am going to advise you on and the fitting technique.

It is very important to take measurements. Chest and breast contour, height of the areola and distance from the curvature of the breast to the breast fold. This helps us to choose the size of the prosthesis. The current concept is that the implant acts as a support resting on the thorax and projects the entire mammary gland forward. At the same time the implant has to be perfectly covered by your tissue to achieve the natural result you desire.


A preoperative study is necessary for you to be able to undergo surgery:

  • blood tests
  • mammography
  • chest X-ray
  • electrocardiogram

We advise you to moisturise the skin of your breasts very well to prepare it for the dilatation that breast augmentation in Turkey will entail.


With all the information obtained and the physical examination we are in a position to explain the surgical procedure to you.

It is a surgery that must be performed in a hospital under general anaesthesia, because it is the safest anaesthesia for you. It is an operation that lasts between 60-90 minutes and is currently so protocolised that it is performed in more than 90% of cases with day hospitalisation.


This is the area of skin where the incision will be made. There are three approaches and each has advantages and disadvantages.


A small cut is made at the lower edge of the areola, in the area between the darker part and the skin of the breast. From here, the breast tissue is deepened until the pectoral muscle is found. Advantages: it is the “most aesthetic” scar because it is the least visible. After three months it is almost imperceptible and in dark areolas if it remains whitish it can be micropigmented. If breastfeeding is very important for you in the future, we recommend the inframammary route.


An incision of about 4 cm is made in the breast sulcus to access the plane to be dissected. It is somewhat visible, especially at the beginning, but the breast tissue is not touched because the pectoral muscle is reached directly, which is why it is a good choice if you want to breastfeed. It is not recommended, however, if the lower pole of your breast is short and we need to lower it a few centimetres to improve the lower curve of the breast, because it can remain visible.


It is a quick and easy way of dissection but “blind” because you have to lower the prosthesis from the armpit to the sulcus. Therefore, if we choose anatomical prostheses it is not indicated.


There are three implant placement planes. Subglandular, subfascial or intramuscular and total submuscular.


This is the plane of choice when working with tubular breasts of a certain size. The reason is that in this type of breast it is necessary to make radial cuts in the glandular tissue to expand the breast and get it to open up and adopt a wider shape and thus cover the prosthesis more. This is the plane of choice when I perform mastopexy with prostheses because in these cases there is enough breast tissue to cover the prosthesis without it being palpable or noticeable. In a breast augmentation in which we want to achieve volume but in a natural way, we will choose any of the other two planes that we are going to discuss.


This is when the prosthesis is placed under the fascia of the pectoralis major muscle, i.e. deep behind the mammary gland, supported by the pectoralis muscle and enveloped by the fascia. This is the plane of choice as long as there is sufficient tissue at the subcutaneous level to cover the upper pole of the prosthesis – two centimetres of tissue, and as long as we have chosen anatomical or teardrop-shaped prostheses. If you want round prostheses I always place them in a submuscular plane. If you are sporty and like climbing, fitness or swimming, we will also choose the subfascial route.


It is the route of choice in very thin patients with very little subcutaneous fat. There is a belief that if they are placed under the muscle, the prostheses will stay in place longer. This is not the case because the “dual plane technique” is used, i.e. the muscle is cut at the lower edge, shrinks and only covers the upper pole of the implant and the rest of the prosthesis is covered by the breast tissue, which is always more abundant at the lower pole. When placed via the axillary route, it is true that the prosthesis is completely covered by the pectoralis major muscle, but it has a “swimming costume” effect, flattening the prosthesis in an excessively high plane, in my opinion. In the evolution the implant looks high and the breast descended.

Performing a breast augmentation in Turkey requires knowledge and experience on the part of the surgeon, and a correct choice of implants.


Once the breast augmentation procedure has been performed in Turkey, you will leave the operating theatre with drains and a compressive bandage to prevent swelling and bleeding. After 4-5 hours, when you have recovered from the anaesthesia and we see that everything is going well, the bandage can be removed and you can put on a sports bra without underwire and go home with it.

Don’t be afraid of the postoperative period. It is true that you will be sore, your back will be uncomfortable and you will have a feeling of weight and tension on your skin. But taking painkillers and antibiotics will be enough for you to be able to return to your daily work after a week. Sport is not recommended until one month after surgery.


  • The implant is placed submuscular in 90% of cases.
  • As they are placed at subpectoral level, the postoperative period is a little more uncomfortable but perfectly controlled with analgesia.
  • The muscle covers the upper pole of the prosthesis so that the “gap” between the skin and the implant is not visible.
  • The basis of naturalness lies in the correct choice of the implant volume.
  • Choose a plastic surgeon who listens to you and with whom you feel comfortable. He/she must give you confidence and guide you properly in this decision.


I am afraid of anaesthesia, is there an effective alternative to prosthetic augmentation?

In general anaesthesia in a healthy patient, with a correct preoperative period and in an operation that lasts between 60-90 minutes, the risk is practically nil. It is a guarantee and safety for you that you will be operated on in a prestigious clinic or medical centre with all the latest technological advances and a good team of anaesthetists.

In my opinion, the result that we can achieve today with a prosthetic augmentation cannot be matched by other techniques such as lipofilling with your own fat.
If you are thinking of having a breast augmentation in Turkey, do not hesitate, you will be delighted with the result.

When should I have breast augmentation surgery?

If you are worried about having small, asymmetrical breasts, with some sagging and flaccidity after breastfeeding… you should have surgery.
There are two key moments:
– When you have finished pubertal development between 16-18 years old and then in the following years if your breasts are small and you do not feel comfortable.
– After having children with/without breastfeeding due to the changes that the breast undergoes.

Are there any advantages to using anatomical prostheses over round prostheses?

The use of anatomical prostheses ensures a “more natural” result of the shape of the breast because it is an implant that simulates the shape of a breast. In my opinion, it also has another very important advantage and that is that we can achieve the same aesthetic result as with round implants by simplifying the surgery, i.e. the anatomical prostheses are placed in a subfascial plane without touching the pectoral muscle and this makes the postoperative period much less painful. We will also avoid other problems such as the prostheses remaining high or moving when we exercise or contract the pectoral muscle.

Can anatomical prostheses be rotated?

Once the prostheses are placed in the pocket, a foreign body reaction occurs and the capsule or scar tissue that surrounds them and fixes them to the breast tissue is formed.
If for any reason the pocket becomes larger, the prosthesis may rotate. If it is round, it produces an unpleasant sensation of something moving inside you, but it does not deform the breast. If you wear anatomical prostheses the situation is aggravated because if it rotates it produces a deformity in the breast. The only thing you have to do is to follow your surgeon instructions in the postoperative period to avoid this risk.

Do implants last “for life”?

Today’s implants have greatly improved in quality. The shell is multi-layered, taking into account the wear and tear caused by friction, they are textured and made of cohesive gel with different degrees of hardness according to your taste, and all this leads us to the fact that commercial companies offer a “guarantee of long durability”. There is a 0.6% risk of rupture after 10 years of wearing the implant, so after 10 years it is advisable to have a mammographic check-up.

What are the alternatives to breast implants?

If you are thinking of filling the bra cup looking for a natural result without the use of implants, the treatment is a filling with autologous fat or breast lipofilling. If you are thinking of having liposuction or body liposculpture, we can use the extracted fat and place it in the breast to enhance it and give it volume. However, you should be aware that the same projection and augmentation is not achieved as with implants.

How noticeable are the scars?

In breast augmentation surgery, the scar is minimal. If it is placed on the edge of the areola it is practically imperceptible in 3-4 months and if it is placed in the breast fold it is covered by the curvature of the breast itself. The incisions are always made in the least visible places.
Laser application to the scar in formation reduces and improves scarring by 30-50%. From the first treatment we start our protocol of care and monitoring of your scar.

Can I breastfeed if I have a breast implant?

Breastfeeding is always possible. If the incision is infraareolar, the mammary gland is not touched and there is no problem. If we make the incision at periareolar level in the lower pole of the mammary gland there is a scar that can alter the drainage of the lower lactiferous ducts and milk cysts can be produced, increasing the risk of mastitis.
Now, you should know that breastfeeding from a purely aesthetic point of view increases the flaccidity and sagging of the breast.

If I have a breast augmentation, will I be able to achieve a natural result?

Without a doubt, when I work together with each of my patients, what I always look for is a natural result. In the case of breast augmentation, the use of anatomical prostheses, the right size for your proportions to achieve full coverage of the implant, will help us to achieve this goal.

Is breast augmentation recovery very painful?

Not really. If we place the implant at the subfascial level without cutting the pectoral muscle and we do not place an excessively large prosthesis that forces the skin too much, the patient will have a feeling of stiffness in the chest area, pressure, weight, difficulty sleeping on her side, which may cause back pain…. but it is not unbearable pain.
You should also bear in mind that you will have antibiotic treatment and analgesic support.
It is not a painful surgery and not at all a bad surgical experience.

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About the author


I'm Kevin, the founder of the site. My personal journey has made me understand how important it is to be well informed before a cosmetic, dental, hair or reproductive medicine procedure. Today I want to help those who are considering a medical trip, by offering them information on the procedures, their costs, preparation and post-operative follow-up. Although my articles are written with the greatest care, they in no way replace the personalized advice of a health professional. I invite you to discover my story to better understand my approach.

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