Facelift cost in Turkey

Written by Celestin

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BestClinic.com provides information on facelift in Turkey and helps you book a procedure with qualified surgeons. This content is for informational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional.

How much does a facelift cost in Turkey?

The average cost of a faceliftin Turkey in Istanbul is £3,000. Depending on the needs, facelift costs from £2,000 to £4,000 in Turkey.

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What is a facelift?

A facelift in Turkey is an aesthetic intervention whose main purpose is to combat facial ageing. To eliminate wrinkles and imperfections on the face and neck, the skin is tightened by means of minimally invasive surgery. It is a cosmetic procedure that is performed under general anaesthesia without hospitalisation.

A facelift in Istanbul is one of the best cosmetic procedures to put an end to the global ageing of the patient’s skin. Some areas of the face need other complementary interventions apart from the facelift, especially to eliminate wrinkles, blemishes or smaller imperfections. The ideal treatment for each patient is decided by the facial aesthetics specialist on the first day of the visit.

Thus, a facelift is performed to:

  • Eliminate the deepest wrinkles on the entire face and neck.
  • Eliminate the furrows and folds of the lips, chin, forehead and neck.
  • Improve the aesthetics of the area around the eyes, which is often complemented with Botox or other techniques.

The cervicofacial lifting in Istanbul

One of the most visible consequences of ageing is the loss of volume of fat deposits in the face, which over time yield to the effects of gravity. This, combined with the loss of elasticity of the soft tissues, can lead to a gradual sagging of the skin, which eventually accumulates in the jaw and neck region.

The cervicofacial lift is the most effective treatment to counteract this accumulation of skin. This minimally invasive surgical procedure rejuvenates the patient’s face, defines its contours and slows down the ageing process.

The cervicofacial lift in Turkey focuses specifically on the middle and lower thirds of the face and neck, achieving a rejuvenating effect in the cheekbone, jaw (jowls) and neck area.


Conventional facelift techniques are based on shortening the SMAS (superficial musculoaponeurotic system) in its most posterior portion (near the scalp line), without releasing the retaining ligaments. By not releasing these ligaments, the ability to mobilise the most anterior sector of the face (the one most affected by the ageing process) is much reduced, and traction is limited on the nasolabial folds, marionette lines and cheekbone droop, which will not undergo major changes.

In the Deep Plane approach, the retaining ligaments are released, allowing greater mobilisation of the tissues and acting on the nasolabial folds, which allows the cheekbones to be repositioned, the jaw line to be drawn much better, and all the muscles to be mobilised in a completely natural way. The Extended Deep Plane technique can also be applied, which also frees the cervical ligaments, which greatly improves the definition of the cervical angle. We call this combined technique the Modified Deep Plane approach.

The Modified Deep Plane approach allows for greater stability of the result and more natural results thanks to the multi-vector approach (deep tissues and skin are tightened in different directions to conform to the surface of the face) as each structure requires a different vector. Most of the incisions are made on the scalp and around the ears, so the scars are virtually unnoticeable after the healing time (about 4 months).


In our centre we perform this procedure in about 3 to 4 hours under local anaesthesia and sedation. The Modified Deep Plane approach we use consists of four steps:

  1. Elevation of the skin
  2. Access to the deep submuscular space (deep plane) and release of the retaining ligaments (fibrous bands that help keep the soft tissues in position).
  3. Repositioning of the tissues (musculature, fat pads and skin).
  4. Removal of excess skin and suturing.

Sometimes it is necessary to work on the neck from an additional incision under the chin in order to perform a platysmaplasty, or neck lift.

This procedure aims to create a muscular girdle with the platysma muscle, which is made up of two muscular laminae that run from the mandible to the clavicle, and are not joined together in the midline. This lack of attachment is responsible for platysmal bands (those vertical lines that sometimes appear in the central region of the neck) and deep fat prolapse (which manifests as a double chin). Your surgeon will inform you whether or not this procedure is necessary during your cervicofacial lift.


When skin sagging is due to poor facial bone placement, facial lipping risks accentuating the disharmony of the patient’s face. In patients with poor facial bone projection, we recommend orthofacial surgery with bimaxillary advancement, or reverse facelift.

The reverse facelift is a backwards facelift: instead of stretching the skin backwards, the bone structure is brought forward, thus tightening the skin naturally, achieving a great rejuvenating effect and a better facial harmony.

In this surgical procedure, the maxillofacial surgeon advances (and if necessary, rotates) the mandibular and maxillary bones en bloc (so occlusion is not affected). By projecting the facial bones into their ideal position, the soft tissues are properly supported, giving tension to the face in a very natural way, while at the same time achieving the correct balance of the patient’s features. Thus, the reverse facelift achieves a great rejuvenating effect on the face and greater definition in the neck line, jawline, chin and lips.

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About the author


I'm Kevin, the founder of the site. My personal journey has made me understand how important it is to be well informed before a cosmetic, dental, hair or reproductive medicine procedure. Today I want to help those who are considering a medical trip, by offering them information on the procedures, their costs, preparation and post-operative follow-up. Although my articles are written with the greatest care, they in no way replace the personalized advice of a health professional. I invite you to discover my story to better understand my approach.

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