Teeth whitening cost in Turkey

Written by Celestin

All about teeth whitening in Turkey! What is the average cost in Istanbul? Our tips for a successful teeth whitening in Turkey.

BestClinic.com provides information on teeth withening in Turkey and helps you book surgery with qualified surgeons. This content is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional.

How much does teeth whitening cost in Turkey?

The average cost of teeth whitening in Turkey in Istanbul is £200. Depending on the needs, teeth whitening costs from £75 to £490 in Turkey.

ProcedureTurkey PriceUK Price
Teeth whitening£200£750

What is a teeth whitening?

From the age of 50 onwards, the colour of teeth gradually becomes darker and yellower, which is why more and more people are asking for teeth whitening in Turkey. Whitening is a cosmetic treatment that reduces the original colour of the teeth by a few shades, leaving them whiter and brighter. White teeth give a younger, cleaner and healthier appearance. It eliminates the majority of stains caused by external causes such as coffee, infusions, tea, cigarettes and red wine, among other substances and foods.

Not all stains or discolouration can be improved by bleaching. In these cases, other treatments such as composite or ceramic veneers may be required. It is important to note that this treatment has no effect on teeth filled with resins (composite), amalgam (metal), inlays and on crowns or bridges. In these cases, we would do the whitening and then after a few days until the colour has stabilised, we would change the fillings, crowns, etc. to improve the colour and match it to the rest of the teeth.


Teeth whitening in Turkey is a procedure in which chemicals (peroxides) are used to whiten teeth. It is a safe procedure with good results.

It is advisable to have the dentist explain all the steps and what can be achieved with this procedure before starting it.


This treatment is carried out under the control of the dentist and uses highly concentrated peroxides, which is why special control is required.

In fact it is important to protect gums and to protect lips and cheeks. Normally the whitening gel is modulated with a light to intensify its action.

It has the advantage of achieving very good results in just one session. The duration of the session is about 45 minutes.


This whitening is carried out with a lower concentration of peroxide and therefore does not require the protective measures mentioned in the previous section. It is true that it must still be supervised by a dentist.

Generally, moulds are made to fit the patient’s mouth and the whitening gel is given to the patient. The patient can apply it inside the mould and use it at home.

The duration of this treatment varies according to the type of gel used and the previous colour of the patient’s skin, but generally between two and three weeks. All depending on the control visits.


It is the combination of the two previous ones.

It starts with in-clinic whitening, which facilitates the subsequent action of home treatment. Very good results are obtained.


Internal whitening is a type of treatment used on endodontic teeth, i.e. teeth with dead nerves, as these usually change colour to a darker shade. It usually involves several clinic sessions.

Bleaching, especially in the first three modes, can have side effects.

The most important is dental hypersensitivity. In this case, the dentist should be consulted.
He or she also has some recommendations, such as not taking substances that can stain the tooth during this period.

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About the author


I'm Kevin, the founder of the site. My personal journey has made me understand how important it is to be well informed before a cosmetic, dental, hair or reproductive medicine procedure. Today I want to help those who are considering a medical trip, by offering them information on the procedures, their costs, preparation and post-operative follow-up. Although my articles are written with the greatest care, they in no way replace the personalized advice of a health professional. I invite you to discover my story to better understand my approach.

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