Eugin – Madrid

Eugin - Madrid Madrid

Eugin – Madrid specialises in IVF. Founded in 1999, this ISO & EU Tissue Directive certified clinic is located in Madrid, Spain. See customer reviews, before and after photos and ask for the price of surgery abroad. Fill in the form for a free pre-diagnosis. Quick response.

Eugin, Madrid, Spain

Eugin Madrid is the clinic of choice for European women, both in our centres in Madrid and Barcelona (Spain) and in Modena (Italy) and Copenhagen (Denmark). Spanish law allows all women to have access to assisted reproduction treatment, regardless of their marital status or sexual orientation. An Italian team carries out these treatments in Barcelona. In Spain, sperm donation is an altruistic and anonymous act. Donors are young men who undergo strict medical and psychological checks, after which only 10% of candidates are admitted.

The Eugin Madrid clinic is legally responsible for finding the most suitable person for the woman or couple who will receive the donation. One in thirteen European women choose the EUGIN Clinic, making it one of the reference centres at European level. In some countries, such as France, it is the first option in assisted reproduction treatments. Our statistics are above average and based on a large number of cases. Almost every month we increase the success rate of each treatment.

Specialty of the clinic :

Sperm antibody test
Artificial insemination
Assisted hatching MAP
Embryo transfer
Oocyte freezing
Oocyte retrieval
Embryo freezing
Embryo transfer
Embryo transfer cannula
Fertility testing for women
Fertility assessment
Follicular ultrasound
Hormonal test
IVF – In vitro fertilisation
ICSI – Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection
IVF consultation
MACS – Immunomagnetic Cell Selection
Ovarian stimulation
PCT – Post Coital Test
PGD – Pre-implantation diagnosis
Treatment of retrograde ejaculation
Sperm DNA fragmentation test
Sperm freezing
Tubal catheterisation

Eugin – Madrid offers you:

Airport transfer
Free Wi-Fi
Hotel reservation
Interpretation services
Tourist guide
Taxi reservation
Internet consultation
In-room phone
Private rooms
In-room TV

City: Madrid – Country: Spain – Founded in 1999 
Acreditation: ISO & EU Tissue Directive – Language(s) spoken: Spanish, English, French

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About the author


I'm Kevin, the founder of the site. My personal journey has made me understand how important it is to be well informed before a cosmetic, dental, hair or reproductive medicine procedure. Today I want to help those who are considering a medical trip, by offering them information on the procedures, their costs, preparation and post-operative follow-up. Although my articles are written with the greatest care, they in no way replace the personalized advice of a health professional. I invite you to discover my story to better understand my approach.

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