H&H Dental

H&H Dental Szekesfehervar

H&H Dental specialises in dental care. Founded in 2004, this certified clinic is located in Szekesfehervar, Hungary. See customer reviews, before and after photos and ask for the price of surgery abroad. Fill in the form for a free pre-diagnosis. Quick response.

H&H Dental, Szekesfehervar, Hungary

H&H Dental Szekesfehervar is a family practice with many years of experience. Their expertise covers the basics such as check-ups, cleaning and fillings to the more advanced crowns, implants, bridges, veneers, root canal surgery and whitening. They are committed to providing each patient with their full attention and focus while offering the highest quality care with the latest techniques.

The clinic is fully equipped with two dental chairs and all the latest technology needed to provide comprehensive and modern dental care. They have a dental laboratory with four highly qualified dental technicians. The clinic has a team of experienced doctors and offers all dental procedures at affordable prices

Clinic specialty:

Dental care
Dental radiography
Fluoride application
Tooth hypersensitivity treatment
Provisional dentures
Dental sealant
Dental extraction
Tooth abscess treatment
Venectomy polishing
Dental filling
Dental cleaning
Dental veneer
Coronoid reconstruction- Root canal
Dental whitening
Dental crown
Root ablation
Inlays / Onlays prosthesis
Customized mouthguard
Bone grafting
Sinus grafting
Dental implant
Cosmetic dentistry consultation
Dental checkup
Dentistry consultation

Services offered

Airport transfer
Health insurance
Hotel reservation
International newspapers
Interpreting services
Tourist guide
Medical records transfer
Internet consultation
In-room telephone
Translation services

City: Szekesfehervar – Country: Hungary – Founded in 2004 – Accreditation:: No information – Language(s) spoken: English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian

Reviews of H & H Dental Dental Surgery

Melinda Varjú
Melinda Varjú
12:59 03 Sep 24
I called the surgery because of a painful wisdom tooth, and what a good thing I did. I got an appointment very quickly. Both the doctor and the assistant were nice. He extracted my tooth completely painlessly, which was worth every penny, even though I visited the clinic from Dunaújváros.
Fazekas Anita
Fazekas Anita
09:50 16 Jul 24
I was completely satisfied with them, and so was my family who went there.They are completely professional and care about people!
László Tóth
László Tóth
09:18 20 Jun 24
Professionally and humanly distinguished. He does his job professionally! I'll be back!
Veronika Karmazsin
Veronika Karmazsin
04:53 05 Jun 24
Dr. Zsolt Horváth is a doctor with great expertise, with a fairy assistant next to him who keeps me informed about what is happening and what will happen. There was only so much discomfort or pain during the root canal treatment, which is unavoidable. I am sure that if I have a dental problem, I will return here .
Alexandra Sajtosné Kovács
Alexandra Sajtosné Kovács
19:21 02 Apr 24
I am terrified of the dentist, especially when it comes to tooth extractions and when I go to a new dentist. I had to have my tooth pulled again and I was completely satisfied with Dr. Zsombor Horváth, and now I will confidently entrust myself to him again next time.
Örs Apor Horváth
Örs Apor Horváth
07:12 27 May 22
Simply the best (unbiased)! 🙂
Krisztina Demény
Krisztina Demény
20:52 01 Aug 21
A közegészségügyi ellátással ellentétben kedvességgel és odafigyeléssel kezelték a problémámat és engem is. Félős vagyok, ha fogorvosról van szó, ráadásul gyulladt bölcsességfogat kellett kiszedni. Nyugalmat sugárzott a Doktor Úr, szakszerű és fájdalommentes munkát végzett. Szívesen térek vissza ide segítségért, ha úgy adódik.
Labdavszki Melinda
Labdavszki Melinda
15:38 20 May 21
At the beginning of the year, together with several fillings, we made 2 four-bridge bridges. One of them broke out a week later. We didn’t deal with it, saying it’s in the back, no one sees it anyway, aesthetic thing. Okay. The other, on the other hand, went too wide and had a straight side (the previous one curved inwards). It's very confusing, I haven't been able to get used to it since. I went back with him three times. Recently, the doctor said he was medically okay, that’s good. But not good. It hurts my tongue and the inside of my face, clue. I also brushed a healthy tooth, which resulted in 4 months of sensitivity. They were nice, my fillings were done nicely, but I’m not happy with the bridges at all. Since you can’t stay that way, someone else will fix it. 😞
Herczeg Zsuzsanna
Herczeg Zsuzsanna
15:20 28 Apr 21
Dr. Zsombor Horváth is very professionally prepared. On the human side, however, I cannot say this. No one in my life has ever touched my mouth so rudely, even though I have asked for a dental filling without anesthesia at other times. Now neither the tooth drilling hurt, but the fact that the two of me stretched my mouth from 2 sides, causing unnecessary pain that could have been avoided based on my previous experience.He didn’t ask, he didn’t tell me when he was doing it, and although I only went for one filling, the first time and the second time I didn’t have a chance to discuss my other problems. He was late, in a hurry.
05:11 16 Apr 21
Dr. Zsombor Horváth is the best dentist I have ever met !! I have been with him for years, he is maximally humane and he works with patience and expertise, I have never felt any pain and I am absolutely satisfied with the end result every time !!!If you are a dentist, I only recommend him to everyone !! 💯😊
Thumber Thor
Thumber Thor
15:51 27 Dec 20
Very good dentist. Fast, reliable, personable and competent. I can recommend Mr. Horvath Zsombor with a clear conscience.
Balázs Jármy
Balázs Jármy
19:40 07 Oct 20
Dr. Horváth Zsombor a világ legjobb fogorvosa. 2 éve járok hozzá és eddig csak jó tapasztalatom volt. Közlékeny, barátságos és profi. Mindig azt éreztem, hogy jó kezekben vagyok.
Huszár Eniko
Huszár Eniko
19:05 31 Aug 20
Dr. Horváth Zsombort csak ajánlani tudom mindenkinek aki retteg a fogorvosoktól (mint én). Pár fogorvosnál már megfordultam Budapesten és Székesfehérváron is. Ő az egyetlen akihez nem gyomorideggel megyek be és mosolyogva jövök ki. Végtelen türelme van és nagyon gyorsan dolgozik. 🙏
Ferenc Jakics
Ferenc Jakics
14:27 27 Apr 20
Dr. Horváth Zsombor kiváló szakorvos. Mindenkinek ajánlom, a legjobb fogorvos Székesfehérváron!Sőt, ebben a pandémiás időszakban, telefonos tanácsaival távgyógyított.Köszönet érte! Várom, hogy újra rendeljen.Üdvözlettel,J.F.
Völgyesi Zoltán
Völgyesi Zoltán
21:24 11 Feb 20
A városban a legjobb fogorvos! Kétségtelenül!
Istvan Farkas
Istvan Farkas
16:15 15 Jan 20
Időpontra mentem, 40percet vártam az üres rendelőben. Az asszisztensnek gondolom lett volna ideje egy szóra, hogy elnézést a türelmét kérem, elvégre nem az SZTKba mentem.
mario schmidt
mario schmidt
12:21 21 Jan 19
Guter Zahnarzt
Gyuri Prohaszka
Gyuri Prohaszka
12:14 02 Oct 18
A híd, amit csinált, ötös. De hogy a fölötte lévő fogat csiszolta le, hogy beférjen, egyes. Mehetek ismét fogászatra, hogy azt is kijavítsák...
Gábor Barabás
Gábor Barabás
18:21 13 Feb 18
A legjobb fogorvos a városban. Mindenkinek ajánlom. - The best dentist in the city. I recommend it to everybody.
Tann Feen
Tann Feen
14:13 03 Nov 13
The one and only! Best dental clinic I ever vissited in all my years as an individual with poor dental helth. Dr. Horvath Zsombor did a marvelous job and gave me exelent advices in how to do as much as I can on my own. Advices other dentist I vissited never gave me. Exelent dentist, responsible pearson.
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About the author


I'm Kevin, the founder of the site. My personal journey has made me understand how important it is to be well informed before a cosmetic, dental, hair or reproductive medicine procedure. Today I want to help those who are considering a medical trip, by offering them information on the procedures, their costs, preparation and post-operative follow-up. Although my articles are written with the greatest care, they in no way replace the personalized advice of a health professional. I invite you to discover my story to better understand my approach.

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